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Useful Conversion Factors

  Quantity From English Units To Metric Units Multiply by*
Moment of mass lb . ft kg . m 0.1383
Moment of inertia lb . ft2 kg . m 2 0.042 14
Second moment of area in4 mm4 416 200
  Section modulus in3 mm3 16 390
Bending moment, ft-lb N . m 1.356
Torque, moment of force ft-kip kN . m 1.356


Multiplication Factor

Prefix Symbol

1,000,000,000 = 109

1,000,000 = 106  mega  M
1,000 = 103  Kilo  k
100 = 102  hecto  h
Multiplication Factor Prefix Symbol

0.01 = 10-2
0.001=10-3  milli  m
0.000001 = 10-6  micro  μ
0.00000001 = 10-9  nano  n


Convert from:



To convert from to multiply by
square foot (sq ft) square meter (sq m) 0.09290304 E
square inch (sq in) square meter (sq m) 0.00064516 E
square yard (sq yd) square meter (sq m) 0.83612736 E
acre (ac) hectare (ha) 0.4047


Convert from:



To convert from to multiply by
mile (US Statute) kilometer (km) 1.609347
inch (in) millimeter (mm) 25.4 *
inch (in) centimeter (cm) 2.54 *
inch (in) meter (m) 0.0254 *
foot (ft) meter (m) 0.3048 *
yard (yd) meter (m) 0.3048 *

Energy \ Power

Convert from:



To convert from to multiply by
horsepower (hp)
 (550 ft-lb/sec)
watt (W) 745.6999 E


Convert from:



To convert from to multiply by
mile per hour (mph) kilometer per hour (km/hr) 1.60934
mile per hour (mph) meter per second (m/s) 0.44704
Permeability centimeter per
second (cm/sec)
feet per day (ft/day) centimeter per
second (cm/sec)


Convert from:



Weight \ Mass

Convert from:



To convert from to multiply by

Mass (weight)
pound (lb)

kilogram (kg) 0.4535924

ton, 2000 lb

kilogram (kg)
Mass (weight) per length kilogram (kg) 0.0000648
kip per linear
foot (klf)
kilogram per meter (kg/m) 0.001488
pound per linear
foot (plf)
kilogram per meter (kg/m) 1.488
Mass per volume (density)
pound per cubic
foot (pcf)
kilogram per cubic
meter (kg/cu m)


Convert from:



To convert from to multiply by
cubic inch (cu in) cubic meter (cu m) 0.00001639
cubic foot (cu ft) cubic meter (cu m) 0.02831685
cubic yard (cu yd) cubic meter (cu m) 0.7645549
Canada gallon (gal) liter 4.546
Canada gallon (gal) cubic meter (cu m) 0.004546
U.S. gallon (gal) liter 3.7854118
U.S. gallon (gal) cubic meter (cu m) 0.00378541
fluid ounce (fl oz) milliliters (ml) 29.57353
fluid ounce (fl oz) cubic meter (cu m) 0.00002957

Pressure \ Stress

Convert from:



To convert from to multiply by
kip per square inch (ksi) megapascal (MPa) 6.894757
pound per square foot (psf) kilogram per square meter 
(kg/sq m)
pound per square foot (psf) pascal (Pa) 47.88 
pound per square inch (psi)  pascal (Pa) 6,894.757
pound per square inch (psi) megapascal (MPa) 0.00689476


Convert from:



To convert from to multiply by
degree Fahrenheit (F) degree Celsius (C) tc=(tF-32)/1.8
degree Fahrenheit (F) kelvin (K) tk = (tF+459.7)/1.8
kelvin (K) degree Celsius (C) tc=tk-273.15
Energy and heat
British thermal
unit (Btu)
joule (J) 1055.056
calorie (cal) joule (J) 4.1868E
Btu/degree F x hr x ft2 W/m2 - degree K 5.678263
kilowatt-hour (kwh) joule (J) 3,600,000E
British thermal
unit per pound (Btu/lb)
calories per gram
British thermal unit
per hour (Btu/hr)
watt (W) 0.2930711
* 4 significant digits
**denotes exact conversion